**Prerequisite - You should have basic understanding of Python programming.**
Day 1) Getting started with Pygame
Functions , loops , variables, lists, modules, Classes, Conditionals etc.
🟧Basic Functions in the Pygame Module
🟧Creating your first Pygame Window
🟧The Main Game Loop - Introduction
🟧Game Start and Game Over Timings
🟧Errors and lots of errors
Day 2) Colors in Pygame
🟩Colors in Pygame
🟩How to make and mix colors
🟩How to set the Background Color of our window
🟩Black and White Colors
Day 3) Images in Pygame
🟦 How to display an Image on our window
🟦 How to adjust the size of our image
🟦 How to change the place of our image on the window
🟦 Adding Images from the internet
🟦 How to set the icon of our window
Day 4) Text and Shapes in PyGame
Text in Pygame
🟪 Rendering the Text
🟪 Blitting the Text on our window
🟪Changing the font - Family of the text
🟪 Handling the font size
Shapes in Pygame
🟪 How to blit a rectangle
🟪 How to blit a circle
🟪 How to blit a square
🟪 How to blit any random Polygon
Day 5)Music in Pygame
🟥 The Mixer Module
🟥 Handling .wav files
🟥 How to import music in our Program
🟥Starting our first project - The Ball of Balls Game
Day 6) Continuing our Game
🟧 Displaying the window
🟧 Adding the modules
🟧 Defining both the classes for the balls
🟧 The random module
🟧 Adding some logic
Day 7) Adding the functions
🟩 Defining the functions inside both of the classes
🟩 Defining more important functions
🟩 Learning how to capture Keyboard movements
🟩 Defining the conditionals
Day 8)Ending with the main game loop
🟦 The main game loop
🟦 All of the loops to render the balls
🟦 Deciding the collision of the Balls
Day 9) Starting the second Game- Maths Quiz
🟧 How it would work (What we are building)
🟧 Getting all the images and questions
🟧 How will the score work
🟧 Making all the important functions
Day 10) How will A question work and Ending the game with the score
🟦 Rendering all the questions
🟦 Loops for all the questions
🟦 Understanding the logic behind
🟦 Changing the screen
Day 11) Complex Shooting Arcade Game - Part 1
🟪 What we are going to build - The shooting Game
🟪 Bringing all the images and icons
🟪 Defining the movement Mechanics
Day 12) Complex Shooting Arcade Game - Part 2
🟩 Adding the boundaries
🟩 Creating the enemy
🟩 Movement of the enemy
🟩 Defining the Background
Day 13) Bullets in the game
🟦 Creating the bullets
🟦 Multiple Bullets
🟦 Collision Detection
🟦 Multiple enemies
Day 14) The final Day
🟥 Adding Text and displaying the score
🟥 Background music
🟥 Game over